On demand
By implementing on-demand solutions, we optimise and flexibilise existing transport routes to improve the efficiency and enhance the user experience of public and private transport service in bus or taxi.
Through a user application, a driver application, a web back-office and a route optimisation algorithm, Nemi´s Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions are built and optimized based on booking locations to optimize itineraries and vehicle occupancy.
Nemi’s solution has been designed in accordance with the vision and needs of transport authorities, and respecting the ideology of public transport. In this sense, the solution focuses on the digitisation and optimization of transport services be it bus or taxi, maintaining those elements that make public or private collective transport the most efficient way to aggregate the highest number of people in the fewest number of trips possible with the existing fleet. A key challenge for everyday life in rural and peri-urban areas or any context of low demand.
Mobility solutions become more dynamic resulting in a more intelligent and efficient use of resources with services built on demand and continuously optimised according to the bookings received. Such optimisation of services also allows for increased departures, shorter journeys and allows local authorities to explore options of increasing geographical coverage.